Disposables Make Waste

David Gomez
Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA), CEO/CTO of Infinitus Medical Technologies (iMT), and Patient Positioning Process. Did you know billions of dollars are wasted every year, and to the detriment of the planet as it relates to plastic goods, simply due to a significant design flaw in a long standing medical and surgical use item we use everyday? Most of the surgical products used today are based on un-evolved logic and narrow scope. They look to the objective, but not the performance or function of the device during use to achieve that objective. Oh, it’s finally coming soon. We hope to have the first peak of our amazingly agile and patented surprise in weeks. It will change everything you ever thought you knew about this long-standing product and how it can be used for improved care. It will last years and be a conduit for both wired and wireless power transfer. And while we know it seems hypocritical as we sell single use positioning platforms, we will eventually evolve those in very unique ways. We never rest. Not just for positioning anymore: Infinitusmedical.comActivate link to view larger image.